Clothes Swaps – HOLD THE DATES

HOLD THE DATE – Clothes Swaps in the Hub!
More information & finalization of dates coming soon.

We’re planning more of our successful clothes swaps in the Hub soon. Our approach will be like last year: clothes to be delivered 2-3 days & the morning before the event, “tickets & tokens” for the Swap-Event on a Saturday

… and lots of chances for you to refresh your wardrobe for 2025 – all while supporting a low-carbon ‘circular economy’ event! Here are the dates to hold – More information soon!

  • Saturday 1st February 
  • Saturday 29th March 
  • Saturday 31st May 
  • Saturday 26th July 
  • Saturday 27th September 
  • Saturday 29th November 

Keep your eyes out on our website and on our Facebook pages! The ECO Action Team.

ECO Action Hub Kilo Pre-Loved Clothes Sale 26th August

If you are looking for women’s designer clothes, clothes for your kids, or clothes you can repurpose and recycle -come to the ECO Action Hub on Saturday 26th from 11:00 to 14:00.

We’re running our inaugural kilo clothes sale and we have a LOT of great pre-loved clothing to offer you! It’s been pre-sorted and steam-ironed, and is all hanging up ready waiting for you!

How it works: Come to the Hub and start choosing clothes. Once you’ve picked your goods, queue at our checkout table where we will weigh your items and calculate your price (and any donations!)

The ECO Action Hub is an impressive place to help everyone learn more about climate change, eco action and what they can do – where we host events throughout the year such as Repair Café, Seed Swaps and now a Kilo Sale!

Kids’ Clothes Swap – This Saturday!

Don’t forget: Kids’ Clothes Swap in collaboration with animal army on Saturday 15th July. Shop other kids’ wardrobes and help reduce clothing waste – Save money and the planet!

Help reduce clothing waste, refresh your kid's wardrobes!

Kids grow quickly and keeping them in clothes that fit can be a financial challenge.

Swapping means you can upgrade their wardrobes for just a few pounds. And EVERY TIME you swap any unwanted piece of clothing you extend its lifecycle and reduce its carbon footprint!

Come to our ECO Action Hub Kids’ Clothes Swap in collaboration with animal army on Saturday 15th July. Help reduce clothing waste, and get “new” clothes for your kids!

animal army working with ECO Action Hub for Clothes Swap 20th May 2023 is donating a collection of starter stock to help get the Swap going: Follow animal army on Facebook and Instagram to see their collection.

And remember:

  • You’re not swapping but ‘upgrading’ clothes from ones kids don’t wear to ones they will!
  • Our starter stock contains great brands, vintage pieces and new clothes with labels on.
  • All clothes are steam cleaned & hung on rails or folded on tables, so it’s easy to shop!

We think you’ll find this a great experience and great value for money!

More details (you’ll want to read these) See Kids’ Clothes Swap 15th July in events here.

Kids’ Clothes Swap Saturday 15th July

Save money and the planet!

Kids grow quickly and keeping them in clothes that fit can be a financial challenge.

Swapping means you can upgrade their wardrobes for just a few pounds. And EVERY TIME you swap any unwanted piece of clothing you extend its lifecycle and reduce its carbon footprint!

Come to our ECO Action Hub Kids’ Clothes Swap in collaboration with animal army on Saturday 15th July. Help reduce clothing waste, and get “new” clothes for your kids!

animal army working with ECO Action Hub for Clothes Swap 20th May 2023 is donating a collection of starter stock to help get the Swap going: Follow animal army on Facebook and Instagram to see their collection.

You can also find this event and the ECO Action Hub on Facebook here.

Here’s how it works:

Drop off: Friday 14th July (10-4) or Saturday 15th July (10-12): Drop your clean and gently worn (no tears, stains or missing buttons please) child-size clothes at the ECO Action Hub: Unit 5-7, Nicholson Centre Atrium, Maidenhead SL6 1LB.

Take your tokens and keep them safe as you’ll use them to “buy” the clothes at the swap. Join the Fun For Families event or just look around at all the eco tips while you’re there!

Saturday 15th July – The Swap

12:00 The swap opens so get there on time for the best bits

All swappers leaving the swap with 1 or more items are required to donate £3 to the Eco Action Hub and animal army, (both non-profit organizations committed to fighting climate change). Anyone who doesn’t find something they or their children love, does not pay and can keep their tokens for the next swap event.

Extra Tips:

  • Wear clothes that are easy for your children to take on and off: we have fitting rooms to try on everything and lots of mirrors
  • Give yourself time to browse and shop slowly so you find something you love
  • Bring your own shopping bags to take home all your “new” clothes
  • Bring a water bottle or grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the swap

Don’t miss out: come to our Kids’ Clothes Swap Saturday 15th July!