HOLD THE DATE: “Climate Trauma: Finding Our Power” Workshop

  • Struggling with anxiety about climate change?
  • Keen to take positive action but uncertain where to start?

Join this workshop “Facing Climate Trauma: Finding our Power”. Connect with others in the local community, get new perspectives on our personal and collective challenges, and clarity on next steps we can take.

  • When: Monday 16th September 6:30 – 9:30 pm
  • Where: Maidenhead Community Centre, 4 Marlow Road SL6 7HY
  • How much: As a ‘pilot’ event tickets are discounted at £15. (*usually £35)
  • What next: Book your tickets here on Humanitix: Finding our power workshop

Maidenhead Candidates’ Climate Statements – Election 2024

This is a very important 2024 General Election at a critical time for our country, our climate, and the planet. Not sure who to choose to vote for in Maidenhead?

We asked all Maidenhead candidates earlier last week for ‘climate statements’ on their ‘green credentials’ and how the intend to help Maidenhead at this critical time.

Four candidates replied. Their responses are posted below: please do read – we hope this, together with this ranking from Greenpeace here helps inform your Climate Vote choice!

Climate Statement: Andrew Cooney – Green Party …

Climate Statement: Josh Reynolds – Liberal Democrat

Climate Statement: Jo Smith – Labour …

Climate Statement: Yasir Qazi – Independent …

We also reached out to and as of today have yet to hear back from:

  • Timothy Birt – Social Democratic Party
  • Tania Mapthis – Conservative and Unionist Party
  • George Wright – Independent

Voting for the Climate in 2024!

So many conversations from so many parties & politicians wanting your vote:

  • What’s the stance of each party on the key climate issues?
  • What’s their actual track record on delivery on the climate?
  • What are they promising if you vote for them on July 4th?
  • What influence will they really have locally and globally?!

So many questions – do you need some help? This episode of Rare Earth (a great series we really recommend) can help you think through all these issues and help you decide where you may place your vote for the Planet!

Rare Earth – Environment and the General Election – BBC Sounds

A letter from Chris Packham

Restore Nature Now

[London 22nd June]

Dear friends, I’m writing to your group as one of the UK’s many smaller, grassroots organisations. It’s a beautiful day in Arne, Dorset where I’m currently filming Springwatch- the field of grass shoots and seedlings seems appropriate.

I applaud you- grassroots are the beating hearts of campaigning and activism. We may be small but we are mighty!

We are the mycelium under the floor of campaigning; tirelessly working away, growing, networking and barely seen- but without us the whole ecosystem of activism would simply not flourish. I thank you for the vital role that you play. A selfless, passionate and inspiring role.

We are light and agile, without the heavy governance and processes of boards and multiple layers of management. We can be responsive, reactive and blaze trails where other bulkier organisations can only slowly follow. What we lack in membership and funds we make up for in energy and effectiveness.

So here’s to the grassroots; the volunteers, the local activists, the common people, the ordinary folk MAKING CHANGE HAPPEN.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart and I hope to see as many of you as possible on Sat 22 June in London to demand our government Restore Nature Now. You can sign-up as a supporting organisation here and as individuals pledge to march here.

We know that amazing things can happen when we come together- when we unite en-masse to joyously, fervently, demand the changes we need to see from our elected leaders when it comes to biodiversity loss and climate breakdown.

See you on the streets! Chris

Earth Day: today and every day!

A globe on a desk

What we do today and everyday helps form the kind of world we want to live in. Reducing our carbon emissions is ever more important: Working together we can achieve more – and we’re here today and every day to help you!

Here are some really great ideas – chose one (or two) for Earth Day and every day!

  1. Eat less meat and dairy – saving money and carbon!
  2. Leave the car at home – walk or cycle or bus and feel good!
  3. Draughtproof the house – you’ve always wanted to and we can help!
  4. Turn the thermostat down 1% – saving money, fuel and money too!
  5. Shun single-use plastic – stop buying bottled water of coffee in a cup?
  6. Join a local ‘Wild’ group and make your space more green & friendly?
  7. Buy less, spend less … consume less: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse Recycle!

🌎🌱 Make every day earth Day! Help create a greener, healthier future! 🌎🌱

Earth Day 2024
Earth as a lightbulb moment

Question Time: Heat Pumps.

Shared Event with WILD ABOUT DATCHET

23rd March 11am Datchet WI Hall

We’re running this really popular event again, this time in Datchet with Wild About Datchet.

Thinking about getting a heat pump? Got lots of questions? Need to talk to an expert?

  • Do they make economic & environmental sense?
  • How can you get the best deal and outcome?
  • What’s best and are they the right thing for you?

Hear from our experts who have the answers, practical experiences, and have ‘lived’ with them? Put your questions to our specialist panel chaired by Peter Gibbs (From BBC R4 Gardeners’ Question Time and our local ‘Weather Man’). Find out if heat-pumps will work for you.

From 11:00 too 12:30 Saturday 23rd March at Datchet WI Hall. To ask a question, book here on Eventbrite. Tickets will also be available on the door.

The Big Garden Birdwatch

Photo of several birds at Waltham Place Farm

The Big Garden Birdwatch is taking place from Friday 26th – Sunday 28th January. It’s a great opportunity for everyone to get involved in monitoring the health of the nation’s birds, simply by counting the birds that land in their garden or the patch outside their window. No knowledge is required as the RSPB provide a digital guide to identify the species you are likely to see. To sign up visit: https://www.rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/big-garden-birdwatch

Data from previous surveys shows that we have lost 38 million birds from UK skies in the last 60 years! And, whilst house sparrow numbers are currently going up the overall counts of house sparrows are still down by 57% compared to the first Birdwatch in 1979. Our birds provide huge ecosystem services to us, not least as pest controllers, seed-sowers, and as part of nature’s clean-up crew. Lend an hour of your time in thanks for their efforts and help the RSPB to monitor what’s going on with our garden birds and give them a voice.

With thanks to Niki McCann from Waltham Place for this excellent article, extracted from her monthly newsletter. For more information on Waltham Place and their program of events, visit What’s on (walthamplace.com)

Build your own NestBox!

Join us in the ECO Action Hub from 10:00 – 12:00 on 16th December 2023

  • A drop in session to help you build your own nest box and take home for your garden!
  • No prior knowledge of building boxes or of using the right tools is required
  • Bisham Nest Box Group will bring all equipment and tools you need to build nest boxes.

From Bisham Nest Box Group: We are a small, not-for-profit volunteer group making nest boxes for garden birds, owls, raptors, swifts, hedgehogs, bats and bees. We just ask for a donation to cover the cost of the materials. Bisham Nest Box Group

In the ECO Action Hub from 10:00 to 12:00 Saturday 16th December. Drop in!

RBWM Sustainability SPD Consultation “How To” Guide: MORE HELP!

We recently posted about the RBWM’s Sustainability SPD Consultation (here). If you just want to provide a quick response, we suggest you use our handy “How To” guide (here).

For those with more time and interest in how the SPD can be made better we’ve now got more detailed responses linked here to help you shape your feedback to RBWM! This edition has a particular focus on Energy Efficiency, Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Construction.

If you are short on time then you can simply copy and paste the last three columns of the table in the document (Section, Para, Suggested Text) into Box 5 of the Representation Form and email to planning.consultation@rbwm.gov.uk. Those items where ‘Push for change’ is highlighted in red are our priorities.

It would be really great if you can complete the submissions using the forms and information we’ve provided. The more RBWM hear from all of us as residents, the better informed they will be to make sound decisions.

To see all our posts about the Sustainability SPD please click here.

Thank you for your submissions!

Sustainability in action graphics