In these turbulent times, join us and experience the power of coming together to explore how we can act in service of all life on Earth – with a workshop that helps in “Exploring the ‘Spiral’ of The Work That Reconnects”
We are living through crazy, uncertain times. Everywhere we turn, we see evidence of the Great Unraveling of our society and our world: armed conflicts, global climate change, poverty, systemic racism, mass species extinctions, and the collapse of familiar institutions and support structures.
To remain conscious and engaged in these times can be heartbreaking, and the fear, grief, anger, and helplessness we feel can often seem unbearable – because it’s not just our personal pain we’re experiencing, it’s also the collective pain of all life on Earth.
Join us in this workshop as we explore together ‘The Spiral’ of The Work That Reconnects, a body of work created by deep ecologist, activist and beloved elder, Joanna Macy.
Over the 4 hours we’ll create space to tap into the deep well of our gratitude, resourcing ourselves so that we can turn to honour our pain for our world, and speak honestly of the unravelling we are experiencing in our communities and living systems.
In confronting these sorrows we’ll connect to the depths of our caring, recognise and appreciate our radical interconnectedness with all peoples and species, and understand that our flourishing is collective.
We’ll emerge energised, more able to go forth with newfound clarity about our role in The Great Turning, and with greater conviction and courage to join together to act in service of all life on Earth.
PLEASE BRING: To ensure you can enjoy the workshop, please wear comfortable clothing, and consider bringing a layer you can pop on if you get cold. Bring a refillable water bottle to keep hydrated. Bring a packed lunch/something to eat in the lunch break. The ECO Hub has a cafe, so you can also bring a refillable cup for hot drinks.
PAYMENT: We have set a donation option to reduce your ticket fee cost. The donation amount is £20, so please enter that amount to purchase your ticket. Any tickets booked below the indicated donation amount will be refunded immediately. If ordering more than one ticket please adjust accordingly e.g. 2 tickets @ £40, 3 tickets @ £60 etc. You will only receive 1 ticket in this case but we can see how many you have purchased by the amount you have paid.
EVENTBRITE ORDER CONFIRMATION: Please click here for all booking information