Climate Hustings in Windsor and Maidenhead ahead of local elections

In December 2020, our Council made an important commitment to cut CO2 emissions by 50% by 2025, both for the council and for the borough. But will these targets now be missed?

Greener, net zero new build construction requires new guidelines. RBWM was to have put this in place in 2021. But this has still not happened.

Meanwhile, other Councils are pushing ahead with low-energy homes. In 2018, Bristol City Council won an RIBA award for transforming a brownfield site with a handsome row of low-energy Passivhaus homes.

RBWM need to put in place a new supplementary planning document (SPD) to incentivise the construction of net zero buildings and to increase renewables generation in new build. This should have been in place in 2021 but still hasn’t been issued. The council’s efforts to reduce energy demand and decarbonise supply in the borough are therefore delayed.

Does this mean that RBWM will now miss it’s target to cut CO2 emissions by 50% by 2025?

And what impact has this had on efforts to reduce energy demand, decarbonise supply, and increase renewables generation in the borough? Can the lost time be made up?

In May we have our next council elections. Would you’d like to ask current councillor’s more about the council’s efforts to improve energy efficiency in the borough? And to hear from different candidates about their plans for the future?

Then join us at the hustings that we are organising in Windsor and Maidenhead in April.

The Windsor hustings will take place at The Old Court on Monday 17th April 2023. Doors to the auditorium will open at 6.30pm (the bar will be open beforehand) and the event will begin promptly at 7.00pm and end at 8.30pm.

The Maidenhead hustings will take place at Furze Platt Senior School on Thursday 20th April 2023. Doors will open at 6.30pm and the event will begin promptly at 7.00pm and end at 8.30pm.

If you’d like to submit a question to ask at either event, please send it in advance by email to either plastic or Questions may also be submitted on the night, between 6.30 and 6.50 pm.