“Chris Packham: Is It Time To Break The Law?”


The recent illegal tactics adopted by Just Stop Oil and other such groups have split public opinion and sent news media like the Daily Mail into a proper ragin’ fury. Continual photos of long traffic queues on the M25 were accompanied by stories of key workers such as nurses who were unable to get to hospitals, relatives who could not attend funerals etc.

There is no doubt these activities caught the public’s notice, but left many feeling alienated from the cause because of the seeming unfairness of the results.

Photo: Proper Content

Intelligently, Chris Packham does not start by taking sides in the debate. He just asks the question: in the ever-worsening environmental crisis is it time to go beyond lawful protest into civil disobedience and illegal activities?

The resulting programme is more of a think-piece than a documentary. If the legal and governmental structures we have are proving unresponsive to the climate crisis, there is a case to consider more direct action. As we know, it can work (suffragettes) but it doesn’t always (anti-abortion protests in US).

Tragically, Packham partly blames himself for the current situation: as a high profile conservationist and spokesperson on environmental issues, he has failed to bring about the changes needed.

One of the most anguished parts of the programme is Chris Packham talking about his intense disappointment when attending COP 26 in Glasgow – the only truly global mechanism for dealing with these challenges. There, despite consistent and alarming evidence about the climate emergency, decisions were ducked, agreements were botched and national financial interest constantly put ahead of global responsibility – encouraged by the highly-paid and persuasive voices in the fossil fuel lobby. So we wait and watch to see what comes out of COP 27.

We rate this programme very highly and encourage you watch it if you haven’t already (link here). Not everyone liked it, with the Daily Mail reporting “Suella Braverman slams Chris Packham”. Well, that’s that sorted out then.

RBWM Sustainability SPD Consultation “How To” Guide: MORE HELP!

We recently posted about the RBWM’s Sustainability SPD Consultation (here). If you just want to provide a quick response, we suggest you use our handy “How To” guide (here).

For those with more time and interest in how the SPD can be made better we’ve now got more detailed responses linked here to help you shape your feedback to RBWM! This edition has a particular focus on Energy Efficiency, Climate Adaptation and Sustainable Construction.

If you are short on time then you can simply copy and paste the last three columns of the table in the document (Section, Para, Suggested Text) into Box 5 of the Representation Form and email to planning.consultation@rbwm.gov.uk. Those items where ‘Push for change’ is highlighted in red are our priorities.

It would be really great if you can complete the submissions using the forms and information we’ve provided. The more RBWM hear from all of us as residents, the better informed they will be to make sound decisions.

To see all our posts about the Sustainability SPD please click here.

Thank you for your submissions!

Sustainability in action graphics

“We must now look at the world through a new lens”

The BBC’s Planet Earth III is now on television and iPlayer.

Presented by Sir David Attenborough it’s a fascinating journey to the far reaches of our planet. It follows some of the world’s most amazing species, telling extraordinary stories that are dramatic, thrilling, funny and sometimes heart-breaking, but always full of hope.

For anyone who cares about the climate and biodiversity … it’s a must-watch!


Sir David Attenborough

RBWM Sustainability SPD Consultation “How To” Guide

We posted last week about the RBWM’s Sustainability SPD Consultation. (See here).

For any of our supporters (YOU!) that are keen to respond but are short of time, here is a detailed “How To” guide. Helping you to make best use of your time and respond in what we consider a most appropriate fashion to get to desired outcomes within RBWM!

Here’s a summary of what you will find there:

  • Why Engage: We want to live in a Borough that is zero carbon and rich in nature. When developments take place, we want them to help us achieve this. The Sustainability SPD will direct and guide planners and developers towards this.
  • What Best Informs: The SPD needs to include: clear Intent (a sense of urgency & confidence the SPD will deliver RBWM targets), meaningful Content (the SPD needs to remain current and relevant in our changing world). And must be Ambitious (to ensure the Borough’s critical climate goals are reached and the SPD delivers)
  • How to make a difference: Experience shows we are more successful in achieving change when we clearly target specific sections of the document subject to consultation. It is also just as important to support those sections of the draft SPD that show true ambition.

We will be providing specific guidance on the Eco Action website in the next fortnight to help you to do this. Deadline for your response to the consultation is 27th November 2023.

Here again is the link to the “How To” guide. Thank you.

Sustainability: People, Energy, Planet.

RBWM Sustainability SPD Consultation

In June 2019, RBWM declared an environment and climate emergency. It enshrined the target of net zero carbon emissions in the borough by 2050, in line with Government policy.

A Sustainability SPD is one of the key actions identified in the Environment and Climate Strategy 2020-2025, to help shape development towards net zero carbon, protect and enhance the natural environment, drive carbon reductions in the borough and deliver wider climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The Council has now prepared the draft Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for public consultation. The consultation will run for six weeks from Monday 16 October 2023 until midnight on Monday 27 November 2023.

Whilst the ECO Action Hub is working with a consortium to help influence and update the Sustainability SPD you also as residents have the opportunity to comment and respond to the consultation … However, we will shortly be providing guidance here on how best to do so, to save you the trouble of reading all 86 pages, and to maximise the impact we can collectively have. 

In the meantime, if you do want to get a head start and read the SPD – please click on the link below for more information: RBWM Sustainability Consultation Link HERE

People acting in a sustainable environment

DraughtBusters – Save Money, Stay Warm!

DraughtBusters can draught-proof your home and save you money. DraughtBusters are a team of experienced volunteers who want to help people with draughty homes. Here is a project update on their progress so far this year …

FEEDBACK FROM OUR CLIENTS: Across RBWM we have done 90 visits in the last 12 months. We have some great positive feedback from our clients!

November to December 2022

  • What a fabulous initiative! Your volunteers were very helpful and informative.
  • Thanks for the visit which went well thanks. They were super nice and helpful.
  • I just wanted to say a HUGE ‘thank you’ to your volunteers for the insulation they added to my home yesterday. I can really notice a difference and they did a superb and professional job. I am most grateful to them, and you for organizing. Thank you again!
  • Thanks great, what a great thing you’re doing!

January to March

  • I wanted to let you know that your volunteers kindly visited today and their suggestions were super helpful. Kindly please let me know how to contribute to say a big thank you for their visit.
  • Thanks so much for your detailed email and for sharing all these very useful links. I want to thank you again for the useful visit. I also made a little thank you donation today. Will definitely look to tell neighbours about your team!
  • Thank you and your team for helping with some draught fittings, they were both very thoughtful. I will add a small donation and spread the word.
  • I am already feeling a big difference after the work you have done in my house. (from someone who is not in good health and does not have central heating.)
  • We were very pleased with the visit, and happy to find out we didn’t have too much to worry about. We will definitely recommend you to our neighbours. Many thanks once again.
  • Just to say once more heartfelt thanks for your advice, most of which I’ve been able to implement. I’ve also been singing your praise to friends and neighbours, so you may well hear from them.

Reading DraughtBusters say

  • We used to say draughtproofing would save £90 to £120 on average per year, five and ten years ago.We now estimate £300 to £400 per year (10% of heating bill) as draughts account for 15% but the other 5% is tough to realise.
  • Our DraughtBusters fix (almost always) all draughts around windows, doors and pipes etc. We also advise how residents can use a small cushion pushed up a chimney to stop those draughts.
  • So, we estimate that we’ve saved each client between £120 and £400 per year in the last 12 months.

The bottom line: In the last 12 months we’ve saved RBWM residents between £10,800 and £36,000. We used grants from RBWM & NHS Frimley to purchase key draughtproofing product so that we could help residents across our key areas – Cookham, Maidenhead and Windsor.

ESTIMATED SAVINGS: The Energy Trust Says

  • “Draught-proofing around windows and doors could save you around £50 a year*. If you have an open chimney, draught-proofing your chimney when you’re not using it could save around £70 a year*.
  • Draught-free homes are comfortable at lower temperatures – so you may be able to turn down your thermostat, saving even more on your energy bills.

* Savings based on a typical gas-fuelled semi-detached property in England, Scotland or Wales. Figures for England, Scotland and Wales are based on fuel prices under the Energy Price Guarantee running from April 2023 to the end of June 2023.”

DraughtBusters can help you: We will fix your draughts and give you advice on how to save money around your home. All free – do not hesitate to get in touch with us, by email rbwmdraughtbusters@gmail.com or phone 07548 594413 and leave a message.

We’re Hiring: ECO Action Hub Manager!

We opened in April and have had over 500 visitors! We’re getting even more active in the ECO Action Hub and in the local community. Now we’re recruiting a Hub Manager to help expand our mission: ‘to inspire local people to do more to address the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency.’

ECO Action Hub Manager Role and Responsibility
ECO Action Hub Manager

The Hub Manager has a crucial role in this. They will become essential to ensuring the successful establishment and running of this dynamic centre with its very varied activities.

If you are passionate about promoting sustainability and biodiversity, if you have attributes and skills to inspire local people and small businesses to take positive action in the Climate Emergency, we would love to hear from you.

If you are interested please download and have a look at the job description (here) and contact us with your background and relevant information on ecoactionrbwm@gmail.com

We would love to talk to you.